拥抱变化:Fin 如何在快速发展的快递行业中保持领先地位


The rapidly evolving world of delivery services is fast-paced and relentlessly driven by consumer demands. At the core of this transformation lies the concept of “last-mile delivery”, the final step of the delivery process where an item reaches the consumer. As we navigate the swift currents of industry change, Finmile stands out as a beacon […]


In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, one of the biggest challenges faced by companies is ensuring swift and efficient last mile delivery. Customers expect their orders to be delivered quickly, often within hours, and companies are constantly striving to meet these demands. To tackle this challenge, an innovative solution has emerged: micro-fulfillment centers. These smaller […]


carbon free delivery



在当今快节奏的世界里,消费者需要及时可靠的送货服务。他们希望自己的订单能够快速、便捷、无延误地送达。因此,"最后一英里 "配送已成为供应链流程中的一个重要环节。最后一英里配送指的是配送流程的最后阶段,即货物从仓库[...] 运出。


在当今快节奏的世界里,客户要求快速、方便、高效的配送方式。而对于企业来说,满足这些需求可能是一项具有挑战性的任务。但是,如果有一种方法既能提高客户满意度,又能简化配送操作,那会怎样呢?那就是定时送货。定时送货是一种允许客户选择特定 [...] 时间的送货服务。


当今世界,客户期待快速高效的送货方式。对于那些希望跟上客户需求并保持市场竞争力的企业来说,次日送达已成为一项必备服务。以下是您的企业必须提供次日送达服务的一些原因:满足客户期望 客户期望快速高效的送货方式。[...]


The last mile delivery, also known as the final stage of the delivery process, is often the most challenging and expensive part of the delivery process. This is because it is part of the delivery process that is closest to the customer and often requires a high degree of flexibility, customisation and attention to detail. […]



In recent years, there has been a growing concern over the environmental impact of last-mile delivery in London. With the rise of e-commerce and online shopping, more and more packages are being delivered to homes and businesses every day. However, the traditional mode of delivery, which typically involves the use of diesel-powered vans and trucks, […]


In recent years, the rise of e-commerce has led to a significant increase in last-mile delivery, which refers to the final stage of delivery from the transportation hub to the customer’s doorstep. While there are numerous factors that can impact last-mile delivery, one of the most significant is the weather. Extreme weather events, such as […]