Last Mile Delivery and AI: A Solution to NYC’s $9 Billion Traffic Congestion

sustainable logistics

  New York City is at the forefront of an unwelcome statistic: the world’s most severe traffic congestion, costing the city a staggering $9 billion annually. This financial drain underscores the urgent need for innovative solutions to alleviate the city’s clogged streets. As urban centers grow denser, navigating congested streets becomes a significant economic burden. […]

The Green Mile: Fin’s Journey to Carbon-Free Delivery Across London

Carbon Free Delivery

I’m proud to share the journey of Fin, a company steadfastly committed to pioneering carbon-free delivery across this historic city. As we navigate the challenges and triumphs of this mission, the essence of our story is rooted in a commitment to sustainability and a greener future for all. Our vision is clear: to transform London […]


在熙熙攘攘的伦敦市中心穿梭,同时确保每个包裹都能送达目的地,这绝非易事。每天组织数百次送货,尤其是在伦敦历史悠久、现代气息浓厚的迷宫般街道上组织送货,就好比指挥一个交响乐团;每件乐器都必须在正确的时刻发挥自己的作用,以达到 [...] 的目的。